Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hi! My name is...

chicka chicka Slim Shady.
Just kidding. It's actually Kelsey.
I'm 16 years old, a sophomore in high school (but only one quarter left!)I am a very dedicated ballet dancer. I dance 7 days a week. So basically I am in love with baking and everything around it, so I decided, why the hell not start a baking blog. So that is why I am here right now.
3 years ago in 7th grade is when this whole obsession started. Every Wednesday my friend and I would have cookie day, since that was the only day I didn't have ballet. In 8th grade it changed from Wednesday to Monday and from cookie day to cupcake day. Then in high school it got a lot more difficult to have a baking day every week, but i still try to bake as often as possible. I have always fantasized of having my own cupcake shop, so maybe this will bring me one step closer. I really hope you enjoy my recipes and feel free to give me any suggestions! I look forward to getting baked with y'all.

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